Kleinstes Sim-Cockpit der Welt: OCTAVI IFR-1

Heute ist eines der kleinsten Stücke Simulator-Hardware auf den Markt gekommen – wenn auch nur zum Vorbestellen. Das OCTAVI IFR-1 ist kein Joystick oder ähnliches, sondern ein minimalistisches Autopiloten-Tool. Dieser ist seit heute bei Aerosoft erhältlich. Für um die 150 Euro ist man mit dabei.

Das 150 Euro Stück von OCTAVI

Zu der Koopreration mit Aerosoft gibt es ein Statement von den Entwicklern:

“After our successful Kickstarter campaign, we focused our resources on finalizing our product, getting the production running and delivering the IFR-1 to our backers. Reception of our product has been very positive, telling us that we have invested our time and funding well.

Ever since the end of the campaign, there has been a high level of interest in purchasing an Octavi IFR-1 from people that had not participated in the Kickstarter campaign. This was bittersweet for us – of course it’s great to see that our product resonates with the community, but we were not in a position to fulfill that demand and had to make you wait.

Now, we’re happy to announce that the wait is over. We have partnered up with Aerosoft, a market-leading player in the simulation industy with over 30 years of experience. The Octavi IFR-1 is available in the Aerosoft online shop now. Limited initial stock is ready and will be delivered from September 14th, 2023.

Our new partnership with Aerosoft allows us to focus on making your experience with Octavi the best it can be, while leveraging Aerosoft’s decades-long experience as a flight simulation hardware dealer.

We’re excited to enter this new phase and thank you for supporting us, giving valuable feedback and your patience!

Thanks for reading!

Felix & Team
