MK-Studios Fuerteventura…letzter Aufruf

Beta-Testing ist beendet, die Vorbereitung für den Release laufen – so verkündet MK-Studios es in ihrem neuesten Facebook-Post. Zuerst wird Fuerteventura im hauseigenen Shop erhältlich sein, später dann auch exklusiv im simMarket. Darüber hinaus geben sie einen Einblick in den Fahrplan für die nächsten Airports. Bilder zu Fuerte und das Statement gibt es unter

September update

1. Fuerteventura 2017
Beta testing is finished, we’re currently preparing for release and creating promo movie of our product.

Fuerteventura will be first released by our own shop (buy buttons soon to arrive on and will include our own installers using new native P3D V3 and V4 methods to add the scenery to library (no more scenery.cfg or autogen.xml modifications making mess in your sims) and awesome config tool to setup the airport the way you like. Later we’ll publish it exclusively on Simmarket.

We’ve been waiting a while to announce this, but I found it to be right time now. Our decision is based on fact, that we want to have more control over the way we develop, release and finally support all our products later.

Support will be provided on our forum where registered users that confirm their order numbers will be given access to the support section where they may get any help they need including teamviewer/skype consultation (if necessary). We want to make sure that we can help those who support us if they run into any troubles.

You may read more and see some other screenshots on our forum or product site.

2. Secret project #1 which is now somewhere 60% done may be really close to the Fuerteventura…

3. Bologna X P3D V3 and V4 (this product is now 3 years old! Time is going quickly…) is near to be finished, we’re making sure that everything works fine and no problem occurs. This versions will be free of charge for existing customers.

-P3D native ground textures including reflections and precipitation,
-Fixed afcad problem with some stands,
-Improved performance,
-New light effects.

4. Lisbon is progressing slowly, as stated before we’re collecting data and doing terminal modelling. There’s a lot happening now at the airport in the real life so we want to include it and avoid situation that we’ll have to redo it later and delay our project.

More about our projects next month.

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6 Jahre zuvor

Endlich nimmt sich jemand der Kanaren an – ich freue mich riesig darauf