SimTweaks PTA – Update für P3D v4.1 folgt bald

Wie Matt Davies aktuell vermeldet, folgt ein Update des PTA Tweak Assistant in den nächsten Tagen. Neben der Kompatibilität mit P3D v4.1 wird es weitere Verbesserungen und neue Features geben um den Simulator optisch auf die eigenen Bedürfnisse einzurichten.

Aktueller Changelog

  • – No popcorn tweak has been completely rewritten. The old algorithm which worked in v3 doesn’t render correctly in v4 resulting in grey clouds within a close proximity to your viewpoint
  • – Alternate tone map tweak has been improved – this basically stops clouds from being too bright when you have bloom set using HDR
  • – Separate lighting adjustments for aircraft externally and internally – now you can adjust the lights for the VC separately to the external model
  • – Added an adjustable parameter to reduce cloud brightness at varying stages of the 24hr day cycle(dawn/day/dusk/night)
  • – Added a new tweak which allows separate adjustment of HDR bloom during the 24hr day cycle(dawn/day/dusk/night)
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6 Jahre zuvor

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