Beim betrachten der Bilder bleibt einem fast die Luft weg – hut ab vor der Detailtiefe die Rusky Group bei der YAK-52 an den Tag legt. Die YAK-52, welche als Trainer- und Kunstflugzeug eingesetzt wird, ist aktuell für 48,79€ im simMarket zu bekommen und weist eine ordentliche Palette an Features und Systemen auf.
Product features:
- 4K PBR textures
- Highly Detailed 3D model
- Fully functional cockpit
- 3D cockpit lights
- Complete simulation of all systems
- Unique first person walking system (walk mod)
- Authentic sounds recorded from actual aircraft
- FMOD sounds
- VR support
- 3D ground equipment and services
- Build in accordance of technical specifications and tested by real YAK-52 aerobatic champion pilot
- Field modification including navigational and landing lights
Additional features:
- YAK-52 features full pre-flight inspection system accessible in first person walk around mod
- Airplane will retain its state after each flight that includes position of all switches and leverages
- Authentic model of ARK radio compass
- Authentic gauges logic which react on weather environment and power settings
- Authentic modeling of pneumatic, electrical and fuel systems
- Complex model of airframe and engine management which include failures due to mismanagement
- Flight instructor station with ability of simulated in flight failures
Simulated systems:
- Simulation of engine control system
- Simulation of the M-14 engine in various modes
- Simulation of temperature conditions of the engine
- Simulation of engine system failures during unauthorized operation
- Simulation of engine water hammer from fuel overflow to fuel line and cylinders
- Simulation of the dependence of temperature and humidity on engine start and the state of the oil system.
- Simulation of the speed controller RO-2
- Simulation of the aircraft oil system
- Simulation of the pneumatic system and air consumption for aircraft systems
- Simulation of the brake system
- Simulation of the electrical system and battery discharge, depending on the devices turned on
- Simulation of discharging and charging the engine battery when using ground equipment and an aircraft generator.
- Simulation of the operation of devices depending on the load on the aircraft electrical network.
- Simulation of the ARC navigation system and beacons
- Simulation of fogging and frostbite depending on weather conditions
- Simulation of the operation of AG-1 systems and the operation of gyro sensors