Quality Wings, bekannt u.a. durch ihre Ultimate 146 Collection, postete in ihrem Forum Neuigkeiten zum aktuellsten Projekt, der Ultimate 787 Collection.
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Ok, so finally we can breathe a little bit.
Thanks for your patience with us as that Ultimate 146 just kicked our Censored.
No but seriously, we’re proud to have been able to deliver the package to you and we’re still working hard to resolve any pressing issues.
But as promised, we’d provide an update on the Ultimate 787.
So here we go:
We’re working on it.
That is all. Thanks for your patience.
I’m just kidding.
787 Update
The full focus of the entire development team is on finally once again on the 787, after having to use the majority of our resources on the Ultimate 146…all the time trying to manage some real-life situations that we all have to deal with.
It’s been a challenge trying to figure out a way to manage the complex Load Shedding systems on this very power hungry aircraft WITHOUT oversimplification. The Ultimate 146 is a good baseline for the complexity that we try to maintain with subsequent releases…although we are admittedly reaching a little higher on this release. What that means exactly will be revealed at a later date.
For those users who gravitate towards QualityWings because of the ease in which it is to operate our airplanes…fear not. The 787 in many ways makes things easier for you (The pilot) anyway! Electronic Checklist Guide you through many tasks, and through some emergencies 😉 It’s just the more experienced we get, the more the creative juices start flowing within the Development team. We HOPE you’ll be happy without being overwhelmed.
These questions have been asked often, so here is what we can share about the product:
Both 787-8 and -9 will be included. The -10 likely won’t be included in an initial release, as we likely won’t have enough details to accurately model it.
With the exception of less than 10 switches in the flightdeck, all switches, buttons, handles will have interface
Again, we’ll share more WHEN WE HAVE SOMETHING SIGNIFICANT to share. The bottom line is that we’re progressing, we are actively working on it and our target is sometime in 2014 (To be determined – I should know better than by now). If you write that last part down, we STRONGLY suggest that you use a pencil. Our previous target said that you should be buying the 787 before years end. Things happen.
We are genuinely excited that you may be excited, but we will not entertain any questions about release dates and product features until they have been released.
Na, das sieht doch schon vielversprechend aus… 😀
das bild erinnert mich an die 2d cockpits des fs 2002:
wenn das vc heute so aussieht, dann kann sich doch keiner beschweren, dass sich der fs nicht weiter entwickelt. 😉
schauen wir mal….
Wir arbeiten dran, das ist alles…lol
Der Humor macht sie ja schon sympathisch…:-)
Ja, stimmt, bei qw sind sie ziemlich gut drauf. Eines der lustigsten Kapitel in einem Handbuch überhaupt findet sich in der Anleitung zur 757 ziemlich am Ende: “how to make flight Simulation even more realistic”. Extrem witzig und mit viel Selbstironie geschrieben!
wird es die auch mit brennenden batterien geben 😀
Nur gegen Aufpreis…
… hoffentlich brennen hier keine Akkus durch *gg*
ein sehr schöner Flieger für Prepar3D V2, welches noch im November erscheinen wird und sich momentan in der letzten BETA 4 vor dem Release befindet (siehe Links)